How To Screen Record On Iphone Apple

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Have you ever wanted to capture your iPhone screen with audio for a recording? Well, my clever comrades, you're in luck because I'm about to give you the lowdown to become the screen recording master of your dreams. First things first: the new and improved way to accomplish this on iOS 11 or later involves the new Control Center.

How to add screen recording to your control center:

Head to your Settings app and tap on Control Center, then choose Customize Controls. From there, under More Controls, tap the plus sign next to Screen Recording. Now it will appear in your Control Center.

How to record your screen with audio:

Once you have screen recording added to your Control Center, using it is a piece of cake. Open the Control Center and long-press or 3D Touch the record icon. This will bring up the option to enable microphone audio. From there, simply tap Start Recording.

It's important to note that if you're recording copyrighted content, you could potentially get in trouble. Be mindful of other people's work before hitting that record button.

Now, if you're like me, you love an opportunity for some social media gold. And what could be funnier than recording your friends and family and using your newfound skills to splice them into hilarious videos? You're on to something there, my witty friends. Just make sure you ask for their permission first.

Other uses for screen recording:

There are plenty of other reasons to utilize the screen recording feature. For instance, you can show a friend or family member how to accomplish something on their phone. Or, if you're trying to troubleshoot something with tech support, you can record the problem and send it to them.

Additionally, if you're a blogger or vlogger, you can use screen recording to create how-to videos or to demonstrate a new app or game.

Wrapping it up:

Now you know all the juicy details of screen recording on your iPhone with audio. Don't forget to get creative and have fun with it, but always keep in mind the importance of respecting other people's content and privacy.

Until next time, my clever companions. Keep on capturing.

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